On May 10th, Austin Interfaith held an Accountability Roundtable with Texas House District 46 candidates Sheryl Cole and Chito Vela as well as US Congregational District 25 candidates Julie Oliver and Chris Perri at the Congregational Church of Austin. 100 leaders representing 10 Austin Interfaith institutions in East Austin and the University area gained commitments on an agenda of issues, developed from hundreds of small group conversations, which included education, immigration reform, affordability, and funding for public schools and workforce programs like Capital IDEA.
Leaders told stories about their experiences with homelessness, deportation of neighbors, essential financial support for adult job training, and inadequate school funding. All four candidates committed to advancing legislation regarding local control, limiting property taxes for low-income homeowners, restoring cuts to federal student aid, and repealing SB 4.
Leaders from Austin Interfaith institutions in South Austin and Corridor IAF held a second Accountability Roundtable around a similar agenda of issues with candidates for CD 21 and HD 45 in San Marcos on May 15th. Please see this Catholic News Service article on the role of Austin Interfaith's Accountability Sessions and GOTV efforts in addressing issues affecting low-income and marginalized communities (click here).
On Saturday, May 19th, Austin Interfaith leaders conducted nonpartisan Get Out the Vote blockwalks on their agenda of issues in East Austin (Precinct 124), University/Hancock area (Precinct 206), and Stony Point in Bastrop County. The purpose of these walks is to develop relationships with neighbors, promote voter registration, and sign-on voters to the AI agenda.