AMOS 'Building Bridges' Seminar Draws 120 From Across Iowa
One hundred twenty leaders from 40 Iowan communities converged in Perry, IA for the 'Building Bridges & Organized Communities' seminar, hosted by A Mid-Iowa Organizing Strategy (AMOS). Led by 12 faith leaders spanning 15 denominations — including Protestant, Catholic, and Evangelical traditions — the gathering was more than a meeting; it was a call to action. The aim? To forge deep, cross-community relationships and build the power necessary to confront the issues weakening Iowa’s families and rural communities.
The day included a hard look at data from Iowa State University's Rural Shrink Smart project, followed by small group house meetings to listen and share stories of the realities facing families across rural, urban, and suburban Iowa communities.
The energy moved quickly from analysis to action. In host community Perry, where residents have dealt with a school shooting and meat packing plant closure in the past year, church leaders committed to meet again to grow their power to act in Dallas County. Participants from across the state committed to next steps for organizing together to push back against the forces pressuring their communities.
AMOS Advances Public School Restorative Justice Programs & Hiring
In a public assembly at St. Paul AME, 140 AMOS leaders secured commitments from new DMPS Superintendent Dr. Ian Roberts and four school board candidates to work together to expand 'Let’s Talk Now' and restorative justice practices, support student mental health, and retain and diversify the Des Moines Public Schools (DMPS) teaching workforce. In the meeting, Superintendent Dr. Roberts announced that DMPS will change hiring practices for people with criminal records.
Charice Williams, the Hiatt Middle School student engagement coordinator [and Bethel AME Church leader], spoke about the importance of having school staff who look like their students and about the barriers to achieving this goal.
Williams told those gathered about a woman... who was previously incarcerated but ultimately earned a master's degree and 30 years later has worked for both the state and county. Yet because of her criminal record, the woman was not eligible for a stipend position as part of the district's school-based mentor program Sisters 4 Success, Williams said.
Read moreAMOS & City of Des Moines Kick Off Community Land Trust Advisory
The city of Des Moines and A Mid-Iowa Organizing Strategy (AMOS) are accepting applications from community stakeholders interested in sitting on the advisory committee for a proposed Community Land Trust in an effort to reserve land for permanent affordable housing....
Officials and AMOS say the land trust will be classified as a nonprofit organization with the goal to provide “a supply of sustainable housing for residents with low to moderate incomes” and strengthen, stabilize and preserve neighborhoods...
Read moreAMOS Skatepark Gains USA Skateboarding Certification
Lauridsen Skatepark is being certified with USA Skateboarding during a public event Sunday, Polk County and Catch Des Moines officials tell Axios.
Why it matters: The designation means the facility will be a regional skateboarding hub and likely attract more Olympic-qualifying events, Laura Jass, director of sports for tourism advocacy group Catch Des Moines, tells Axios....
DSM police previously had a "three-strikes-and-you're-in-jail" policy to discourage public skateboarding....
- Groups like A Mid-Iowa Organizing Strategy (AMOS) then led nearly two decades of organizing and fundraising that resulted in Lauridsen Skatepark.
[Photo Credit: Courtesy of the Dew Tour]
Des Moines Police Embrace AMOS Mental Health Initiative
"The Des Moines Police Department's Crisis Advocacy Response Effort is one year old. The program began after seeing an influx in mental health 911 calls that didn't require police assistance. Since it started, CARE has successfully responded to 1,503 calls...
AMOS Secures Funding for More Male & Diverse Children's Mental Health Providers in Polk Co.
About six years ago, AMOS asked families what kept them up at night. Parents said they needed services for children in mental health crises.
“Kids were waiting months to see a therapist. They were not getting what they need from a system designed for adults,” said Crystal Loving, of First Unitarian Church. A child in the midst of a mental health crisis would be handcuffed, put in the backseat of a police car, and enter the juvenile justice system rather than get the mental health care that was needed."
AMOS Celebrates Launch of $1.8M Mental Health Workforce Initiative in Polk County
"On May 18, 100 Polk County residents celebrated the launch of a new mental health workforce program at a Mental Health Workforce Kickoff at Corinthian Baptist Church. The $1.8M mental health workforce investment from Polk County’s ARPA funds will go towards up to $20,000 in loan payments for 90 new mental health professionals. To be eligible, therapists must commit to work for 5 years at a Polk County community-based mental health provider, have a masters degree, and student loan debt....
Dr. Cathy Beck-Cross, LMSW, EdD, Associate Professor of Social Work at Grand View, is excited. "We are thrilled for this opportunity for Grand View master's degree graduates entering the workforce to provide mental health services. Polk County, like the rest of Iowa, has a shortage of licensed therapists, especially ones who are bilingual. Many thanks to County officials who moved this initiative forward, and to AMOS for their advocacy in the process."
Fueled by Faith, AMOS Leaders Change Mental Health System for Kids in Mid-Iowa
Two parishioners from Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart in Ankeny collaborated with others to move bureaucratic mountains to create a plan that helps children suffering mental health crises.
Jan Brown and Sue Murphy said their faith plus a passion for helping people in pain fueled their drive to fill a gap in health care in the Des Moines area....
“It wasn’t charity, it was justice,” Brown said.
Brown and Murphy along with representatives of AMOS... did research, talked to families, visited with hospital officials and legislators and built the political will to figure out a new system...
Now they’re trying to ensure that it has long-term funding and that there are counselors who can meet the need of the community including refugees and immigrants who call central Iowa home.
Brown said: “That’s our goal is to listen to concerns of families and improve the communities we live in.”
Fueled by Faith, Advocacy for Children Pays Off, Catholic Mirror [pdf]
AMOS Leverages $1.8M to Diversify & Retain Local Mental Health Workers
This week, Polk County Supervisors approved AMOS' proposal to invest $1.8 million in ARPA funds to diversify and retain mental health providers through a scholarship and loan forgiveness program. This win is the result of over 10 months of organizing work including:
- Hundreds of conversations in Mental Health Civic Academies that surfaced workforce needs, including to fully staff the Children's Mental Health Crisis system AMOS worked so hard to secure
- A 'Mental Health Provider Summit' in December to understand providers' specific workforce needs and barriers
- 100+ AMOS leaders contacting Polk County supervisors in support of AMOS' mental health workforce proposal
- 4 AMOS leaders testifying at a Polk County Supervisors meeting to share the need for this investment, particularly for refugee and immigrant communities
- AMOS representation at mental health task force meetings by a First Unitarian leader
AMOS leaders plan to continue to work with Polk County to ensure that the funds are administered to maximize accessibility and impact.
AMOS' Dogged Persistence Leads to Largest Skatepark in America
The latest video by the (Tony Hawk Foundation) Skatepark Project highlight stories of community transformation in and from the installation of the Lauridsen Skatepark in Des Moines, Iowa.
"There was a dogged persistence in skaters trying to land whatever they were trying to learn," notes IAF organizer Paul Turner. "In terms of advocacy, it's kind of the same."
The full story, told by Turner and AMOS leader Jan Hill, can be read in the Des Moines Register.
Des Moines Lauridsen Skatepark: Tracing a 17-year Journey, From a Nuisance to a Metro Treasure, Des Moines Register [pdf]
Story Behind America's Largest Skatepark, RIDE Channel [video]