IAF Sisters Celebrate 50 Years of Service Through Action
This weekend, the Congregation of Divine Providence (CDP) honored Sr. Christine Stephens and Sr. Pearl Caesar for 50 years of work as women religious.
Sr. Christine Stephens' accomplishments include establishing IAF organizations across Texas, guiding the development of new West / Southwest IAF organizations in Louisiana (and beyond) and mentoring organizers across the West / Southwest US. As co-chair of the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), she strengthened the international network of more than 60 organizations.
Read moreSan Antonio CDP Honors Sr. Christine Stephens & Sr. Pearl Ceasar
"A prime example of how the Sisters of Divine Providence practice ... is through the decades of dedication, hard work and efforts put forth by Sisters Christine Stephens and Pearl Ceasar. For over 30 years, these women of faith have worked diligently.... Their work and that of others from the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) has created a domino effect nation-wide that has trained thousands of ordinary citizens to be leaders and organize to be heard and bring about change. Hundreds of communities have become stronger, more viable and visible. IAF is a national network of organizers acknowledged by the Catholic Bishops to train and engage citizens within not only Catholic parishes and surrounding communities but from congregations of many faith traditions, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Unitarian."