Central Valley IAF Calls For Housing Where Infrastructure Already Exists
...the city’s own 2023 draft Housing Element (page 1E-2-36) concludes there is capacity within city limits for 46,392 new homes — on land with ready access to water, sewer, roads, and schools, and available right now to build the housing Fresno needs. We urge the [Building Industry Association] BIA and its member developers to take advantage of these opportunities to fill the gaps in our city with attractive housing for all families in Fresno. This situation creates opportunity, too, for the City Council:
it’s time to focus on getting housing built in vacant and underused sites in all parts of Fresno.
That new focus should include supporting developers with the improved infrastructure and other incentives that will inspire them to build so that every Fresno family has a good roof over its head.
[Photo Credit: Craig Kohlruss, Fresno Bee]
Fresno May Grow to its Southeast, But At What Cost and Who Pays? This Needs More Study, Fresno Bee [pdf]