Central California Business & Religious Leaders Call for Immigration Reform
In an event convened by COPA, clergy and judicatories from Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran, and Jewish backgrounds called on the business community to join them in a collective effort to identify solutions to the lack of immigration reform. Immigrants shared stories about the impact of legalization in the 1980s and the challenges of providing for family without authorization to work.
In turn, agricultural industry leader Wesley Van Camp of agribusiness Tanimura & Antle reaffirmed her commitment to fight for immigration reforms and pointedly noted the absence of industry leaders in construction and hospitality in advocacy efforts. "I take that on as a bit of a challenge," said Don Chapin of Chapin Construction " I couldn't agree more."
Read moreDallas Catholic Diocese, DAI Stand w/ Family in Deportation Case
When Fr. Daza of Nuestra Señora del Pilar Catholic Church heard that his parishioner, Adolfo Mejia, was in deportation proceedings, he immediately picked up the phone and called Dallas Area Interfaith.
"It's the children who suffer," said Fr. Daza.
Read morePreaching Citizenship, DAI Engages 1,200 New Citizen Recruits
In a major push to sign up new (and potential) voters, Dallas Area Interfaith leaders recruited over 1,200 US legal permanent residents, green card holders, to apply for US citizenship this year. Catholic priests and lay leaders took to the pulpit to spread the word that a key element of the Catholic faith is participation in public life, which includes voting.
The Dallas Morning News had this to say:
We’re impressed by the Dallas Area Interfaith’s proactive effort to help green card holders become U.S. citizens. The coalition of church-based groups exceeded its goal of getting 1,000 people in a year on the road to becoming citizens by prepping them for the citizenship test and helping them fill out forms. In this volatile environment for conversation about immigration, it helps to have a safe place for folks to go to get through this complicated process. With that final step, legal tax-paying residents gain the full rights of citizenship, including the right to vote. That’s true democracy at work.
Read moreHouston Clergy & TMO: Exec Action Good, Not Good Enough

The night before a planned House vote which could impact the latest executive action program initiated by the President, 50 Houston judicatory and TMO leaders held a joint press conference urging Congress to do the opposite -- to expand on the action and pass comprehensive immigration reform. Potentially beneficiaries were joined by the Houston -Galveston Catholic Cardinal DiNardo, Methodist and Lutheran Bishops and religious leadership from Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Muslim faiths.
Read moreOne LA Leverages Support for Expanded Healthcare Coverage from LA County Supervisor District 3 Candidates

• Increase funding for My Health LA if the current funding stream falls short of covering all those eligible;
Read moreAMOS Leaders Challenge Iowa Congressman on Immigration & Unaccompanied Minors

Shari Reilly appealed to the Catholic faith shared with King when she asked him to take a more "humanitarian approach" to the unaccompanied children arriving from Mexico and Central America. On behalf of AMOS she invited the Congressman to a public assembly to be held in September at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church.
Read moreOTOC Leaders & Clergy Challenge Deportations of Minors

The campaign was precipitated by OTOC immigration action leader Sr. Kathleen Erickson, who had spent 5 weeks on a mission trip to San Pedro Sula in Honduras (the murder capital of the world). With legal experts and other Sisters of Mercy, the immigration action team educated OTOC leadership about the dangers children face in Central America.
Read moreTexas IAF Calls on White House to Halt Speedy Deportations

In El Paso, San Antonio, Houston, Austin, Fort Worth and Dallas, religious leaders preached about the crisis at the border, organized relief efforts and held press conferences reminding the White House and Congress of the Judeo-Christian admonishment for nations to "show kindness and mercy to one another, not oppress the widow, the fatherless, the sojourner or the poor (Zechariah 7:9-10)."
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