COPS / Metro Alliance Builds Trust Between Immigrants and San Antonio Police

As energizing as the West side gathering was, what made it truly remarkable was that it emerged from hundreds of similar stories shared during "house meetings," or small group conversations, organized by Sacred Heart and COPS/Metro during Lent. Parishioners met in the church hall after Masses, knocked on doors around the neighborhood for six straight Saturdays, and hosted neighbors in their homes to understand the pressures on the families and to find people willing to act. Weeks of training, conversations, deliberation and preparation came before the meeting with Chief McManus...."
Read moreAustin Interfaith GOTV Efforts Yield Increases up to 131% in Traditionally Low Turnout Areas

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EPISO Leverages Commitments from Candidates on Education, Immigration and Workforce Development

The event was organized by El Paso Interreligious Sponsoring Organization, a non-partisan group..."
Read moreCOPS / Metro Alliance Highlights Impact of Anti-Immigrant Laws in Wake of US Supreme Court Hearings

After mass, Sacred Heart Parish sponsored an assembly on immigration to highlight the impact of anti-immigrant laws on families that create fear, vulnerable citizens and concerns of violations of human rights."
Read moreAustin Interfaith Leverages Commitments on Electricity & Incentive Deals
At an assembly with 504 Austin Interfaith delegates, candidates for City Council and Mayor committed to raising electricity rates no higher than 20% for congregations and to broaden assistance to people with limited incomes.
Candidates were also challenged about publicly funded incentives, as Austin has been the center of high-profile incentive deals in recent years. Austin Interfaith got all candidates to commit to setting a wage standard for permanent (and construction) workers ranging between $11-20 per hour. Candidates also agreed to a community study and dialogue with Austin Interfaith to determine what constitutes a living wage in Austin.
Read moreDallas Area Interfaith Calls on Hospital District to Fix Crisis
Dallas Area Interfaith Calls on Parkland's Board, UTSW to Fix the Site, Dallas Morning News
Valley Interfaith Convenes 2nd Interfaith Immigration Conference
"About 60 clergy leaders from the Catholic, Methodist, Episcopal, Lutheran and Methodist churches took part in Valley Interfaith's second annual conference to promote immigration reform and educate religious leaders about its issues. The convocation follows Valley Interfaith's October 2010 event where church leaders unveiled what they believed should be principles of immigration reform, such as upholding family unity, providing legal avenues for migrant workers and creating a path toward citizenship.
But Thursday's convocation was highlighted by the personal stories of immigrants cornered by the nation's laws..."
Read moreAustin Interfaith Fights Energy Rate Hike on Churches & Poor
"Church leaders are banding together to fight a proposed Austin Energy rate increase that they say will hurt their ability to help the poor in the community.
Thursday morning, Austin Interfaith gathered and spoke during public comments to let the city council know they oppose the increase. 'This could affect the community of faith's ability to do the ministries they need to do,' said Pastor Fred Krebs of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in East Austin."
TMO Combats ‘Fortress Mentality’ in Houston Neighborhoods
‘No Arguing the Fact That Project Quest Works’
San Antonio's Workforce Development Task Force, composed of a diverse collection of city and county representatives, leaders in the business and health community, and executives from two universities and a community college, reported their findings and unanimous recommendation to City Council: "Expand funding for long term training program Project Quest."
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