COPS / Metro Alliance Takes On Bond Oversight
by Veronica Flores-Paniagua, "Bond Oversight Panel Needs to be Strong Watchdog," San Antonio Express-News
Border Interfaith Protests Approval of Steel Plant Permit
"Worker's Death Under Investigation," by David Crowder, El Paso Inc.
TMO Increases Voter Turnout by 9% in 39 Houston Precincts
During its fall electoral drive, TMO worked with fifty congregations to target 39 precincts in the neighborhoods surrounding their institutions; leaders taught voters the statewide agenda of issues and the importance of early voting. They organized neighborhood walks and launched parochial campaigns to sign up parishioners in the pews and at church festivals. TMO successfully increased voter turnout by 9.3% in the 39 precincts it worked, compared to the 2006 gubernatorial election.
Read moreBorder Interfaith & EPISO Leaders Organize for Vote
Organizace, Vote Para Asegurar Igualdad, Justicia, Revs. Kendrick & Ducre, El Paso Times
Read moreWTOS in Lubbock and San Angelo Launches GOTV and Parish Development Campaign
Leaders in West Texas committed to signing up 2,000 voters in advance of the gubernatorial election this fall. They have also secured commitments to organize parish development efforts in three congregations.
COPS / Metro Alliance Promotes School Bond Measure & Accountability with Neighborhood Walks
"Group Favors In-House Oversight for SAISD Bond," by Lindsay Kastner, San Antonio Express-News
Valley Interfaith Organizes Immigration Conference with Texas Bishops
"Texas Bishops Unveil "Humane Immigration Reform Document," by Steve Taylor, Rio Grande Valley Guardian
Read moreAustin Interfaith Launches Voter Turnout Drive
"In Dove Springs, a Drive for More Voters, Services," Juan Castillo, Austin American Statesman
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