Texas IAF Reconstitutes Launchpad (Job Training) Fund

Said Minerva Camarena-Skeith, a representative of Austin Interfaith, the nonprofit that helped found Capital IDEA with business community members and advocates for public funding: "It still gives these job-training programs the opportunity to apply for these $5 million, and also be able to leverage more city and local funds."
Read moreAustin Interfaith's First In-District Charter Leads the Way

Their volunteers then went door-to-door, garnering support and hosting school meetings to find out what parents and teachers wanted in a school. They reached 90 percent of the school's households and got 99 percent support from parents and 97 percent support from staff...."
Read moreThe Border Organization Takes on Hospital Management
"Members of The Border Organization group expressed frustration Wednesday over Val Verde Regional Medical Center's process in hiring new chief executive officer Victoria "Vicky" Barnthouse. The closed-session, private-ballot vote in favor of Barnthouse was done at VVRMC's July 1 hospital district board meeting.
Read moreNYT Cites Capital IDEA-Houston as Factor in Class Mobility
"Houston is one of the few southern cities where upward social mobility is as high as cities in the Northeast and West... Roughly 22 percent of Houston children who grew up in the poorest fifth of the national income distribution have ended up in the top two-fifths today, according to the study.
Read moreAustin Interfaith Weighs in on Health Insurance Exchange
"Texas officials have declined to establish a state-based health insurance marketplace, a major provision of the federal Affordable Care Act. So private organizations are working to educate Texans about coverage options through the federal health insurance exchange, which opens on Oct. 1....The department will also finance at least two "navigators" — organizations intended to guide people through the exchange — per state.
Read more'Quest's Results...Extraordinary' Says Head of Taskforce
"Trying and difficult circumstances, namely the closing of San Antonio's Levi Strauss plant, inspired the visionary leadership that created Project Quest more than 21 years ago. Different, but equally challenging circumstances, have led to redefining that vision that will carry Quest forward stronger than ever for the next 20 or more years.
Quest, a nationally-awarded workforce development agency, was founded by COPS/Metro Alliance, leaders of the business community, the city of San Antonio, the state of Texas and the regional Private Industry Council..."
Read moreThe Border Organization Challenges Del Rio Police
"...lack of neighborhood patrols and 'collaboration' with the US Border Patrol were among issues discussed at a meeting earlier this week between a local grassroots citizens' group and members of the Del Rio Police Department.
Read moreValley Interfaith Launches Spanish GED Program

Inicia Programa Paisano, El Mañana
Central Texas Religious Leaders Call for Immigration Reform

Central Texas Religious Leaders: Immigration Change Must be Just, Humane, Austin American Statesman Printable version
Read moreSuperintendent Agrees to Expand RGV Adult Education Efforts

....asked if the GED en Español program could be scaled up to match the obvious demand, King had no doubts. 'I have no doubt at all. We will find a way to do it.'"
Read more