OTOC & Allies End Coal Burning in North Omaha

Pictured at right is the team of OTOC leaders that pushed the Board to revise its energy plan. Articles below quote OTOC leader Laurie Gift and OTOC ally Rev. Eric Elnes.
Read moreNebraska Cattlemen & Restaurant Associations Join OTOC FOR Immigration Reform
Perhaps for the first-time ever, representatives from Nebraska Associations as disparate as Restaurants, Cattlemen and Dairy joined the owner of Campbell's Nurseries and the co-chair of IAF organization Omaha Together One Community (OTOC) in a strongly worded plea for support of immigration reform. Stating that "the current immigration system hinders Nebraska employers from maintaining a stable workforce and hurts law-abiding Nebraska businesses" they note that "there is nothing 'seasonal' about feeding or caring for livestock," among other occupations.
Read moreOTOC Leverages Nearly $1 Million for Demolition & Training

OTOC advocated for increased demolition funding in the 2013 budget and as a result, approximately 93 structures will be demolished this year, nearly triple the number from 2012. OTOC expects that the $957,000 in demolition funding in the adopted budget will allow the city to demolish over one hundred dangerous, condemned buildings in 2014. "These demolitions will heighten the quality of life for neighborhoods, businesses, and nearby institutions like churches and schools like the one where I work " said OTOC leader Karen McElroy.
Read moreAMOS Backs Greater Emphasis on 'Restorative Justice' For Juvenile Offenders
"In the disagreement between Polk County officials and the citizen group AMOS, logic seems to favor AMOS. Especially in the long run.
Read moreGrant to Iowa Will Bolster Juvenile Justice Efforts
The $750,000 grant will provide training and technical help from the federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention for improving services to young offenders. The three-year program will be administered by the Iowa Department of Human Rights' Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning....
Read moreAMOS Clergy & County Attorney Debate Draws in Sheriff
"Polk County Attorney John Sarcone accuses AMOS of distortion and grossly misleading people about juvenile justice in our county
Read moreDebate Over Race & Juvenile Justice Heats Up in Iowa

AMOS advocates a return "to the best practice model the County Attorney's office pioneered from 2006-2009" which made good use of "informal adjustments and alternatives to detentions for non-violent, non-repeat juvenile offenders."
Read moreAMOS Helps Keep Youth Out of the Court System
"Cy was a choir director, community leader and maker of fine clocks. When I knew him, he was 80 years old and lay leader of the church I served. One snowy morning, he came to my office and simply said, 'We have to go to Albert Lea.' I said, 'That is in Minnesota, and they have lots of snow.'
Read moreOTOC Celebrates $500K More for Building Demolition in Omaha

"Many of the speakers advocating the demolition of rundown homes were representatives of Omaha Together One Community....'The first speaker from OTOC showed a variety of pictures of rundown houses. The number of such condemned houses has grown from 400 to 742 in three years,' said Karen McElroy. 'We understand that this is a tight budget year, but the mayor and City Council need to make the tough decisions to preserve our urban neighborhoods,' she said."
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