West/Southwest IAF
· August 15, 2014 11:38 AM
COPA leaders and their young children celebrated the breaking of ground at Acosta Plaza with shovels, stories and speeches. The story, the way Bibiana Alcala tells it, involved an important first phone call. "Once our residents said they wanted a basketball court....we contacted
Youth and community leaders of Acosta Plaza, in collaboration with other congregations of COPA, lobbied neighborhood associations, Mayor Gunter of Salinas and statewide community foundations to identify funding for the construction of a basketball court. The $100,000 construction project is the result of negotiation: Residents will assist COPA-member and affordable housing provider CHISPA in building the court while the City of Salinas and the California Endowment will help shoulder the costs.
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West/Southwest IAF
· May 08, 2014 10:56 AM
Testifying before the Monterey County Board of Supervisors, COPA leader Elsa Quezada called for a County strategy to educate undocumented and uninsured Monterey residents about newly available healthcare services. "They are our neighbors, our friends, they go to church with us, they join us at the park, the rodeo...their children go to school with our children," she argued.
At COPA's urging, the Board approved the creation of a strategic plan and simplified "access point document" to better spread the word about healthcare access to the uninsured; both are to be produced within 90 days.
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West/Southwest IAF
· March 18, 2014 4:47 PM
Nestled off the 101 Highway between Santa Cruz and Paso Robles, St. John Catholic Church hosted a listening session to begin to "organize for justice and healing." Fr. Claudio reminded parishioners and community leaders that "righteousness and peace will embrace," before urging them to share their stories of abuse at the hands of the police. Resident after resident disclosed how thousands of dollars had been spent to recuperate cars that were unfairly impounded and sold by local police. The parish hall was packed; though the effort is young, people expressed hope in the possibility of addressing police practices as a community.
King City Residents Air Grievances, KION News - Channel 46
West/Southwest IAF
· March 18, 2014 4:29 PM
When confronted by Everett High School youth leaders about whether he would pitch in to help clean up Acosta Plaza, Salinas Mayor Joe Gunter didn't skip a beat. "Yes," he said to a group of presumptuous, yet polite, youth that had already successfully shaken down $500 from a neighborhood association for a basketball court. The campaign to clean up Acosta Plaza is led by East Salinan youth and recent college graduates eager to improve their neighborhood's image.
The notes that Plaza cleanup is "going to do a lot of good."
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West/Southwest IAF
· February 01, 2014 10:14 AM
West/Southwest IAF
· October 02, 2013 4:53 PM
At least 70 leaders from
Communities Organized for Relational Power (COPA) organized a meeting with the Santa Cruz County Sheriff to address immigrants' fears about reporting crime and the preponderance of racial profiling.
Participants included people like Johnny Delmar, a UCSC student who shared his story about being profiled recently by rifle-armed police looking for robbery suspects.
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