“When we look at this experience, we are keenly aware that doors were opened, conference rooms were made available and seats were placed at the table for billionaires, millionaires and developers,” said leader Father Jimmy Drennan, referring to Missions investors, such as Weston Urban co-founder Graham Weston, a one-time billionaire.
COPS/Metro Wins Missions Stadium Community Benefits
COPS/Metro Ensures Community Benefits are Included in Tax-Funded Downtown Missions Stadium Project
COPS/Metro is proud to claim a victory for our community by ensuring community benefits are now part of the partially tax-funded Downtown Missions Stadium project, thus creating a fairer deal for San Antonio residents.
“We expect to be included in the upcoming discussions for the Spurs arena, and we will have the first seats at the table,” Drennan added.
COPS/Metro has been in negotiations with elected officials, city council members, city staff, Weston Urban, SAISD officials, institutional leaders, community leaders, and local residents. Read our complete statement, including details of specific benefits leveraged, at bottom.
Downtown SA Missions Stadium Deal Gets City Council Approval, KSAT [pdf]
San Antonio City Council Approves Ballpark Framework Despite Outcry From Soon to be Displaced Tenants, Texas Public Radio [pdf]
Done Deal, City Council OKs Public Financing for Missions Ballpark, Despite Backlash of Planned Apartment Closure, San Antonio Express-News [pdf]
San Antonio Approves Baseball Stadium Plan and $500,000 Relocation Package, San Antonio Report [pdf]
Op-Ed: Who Pays for the Missions Stadium, and Who Benefits?, San Antonio Express-News [pdf]
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COPS/Metro, San Antonio to Distribute 4,000 Gun Lock Boxes
...the City of San Antonio in partnership with District 3 Councilwoman Phyllis Viagran and COPS Metro are giving away free gun safety boxes.
People can get the boxes from 9-11 a.m. on Saturday at Southside Lions Senior Center, 3303 Pecan Valley Drive.
In a news conference on Tuesday, San Antonio Police Chief William McManus said the City secured $200,000 to purchase 4,000 gun safety lock boxes to be distributed in the community.
[In photo: COPS/Metro leader Rev. Rob Mueller of Divine Redeemer Presbyterian Church.]
City of San Antonio Set to Give Away Free Gun Safe Boxes This Weekend, KSAT [pdf]
COPS/Metro Continues Push to Improve SA's 'Ready to Work' Training Success
[Photo Credit: William Luther, San Antonio Express News]
"These slower-than-expected results have prompted even local advocacy group COPS/Metro, one of Ready to Work’s earliest and staunchest champions, to criticize the program for not doing a good enough job of getting job commitments from employers upfront.
The good news is that everyone involved with Ready to Work has demonstrated a willingness to learn from mistakes and adapt."
Garcia: By Frustrating Trial and Error, Ready to Work is Changing Lives, San Antonio Express News [pdf]
Vatican Official Dr. Emilce Cuda Joins COPS/Metro & West/Southwest IAF for Dialogue About Organizing
COPS/Metro Alliance leaders welcomed the Vatican's Emilce Cuda, Secretary of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, for a tour of San Antonio's West Side, followed by a two-day conversation about faith, organizing, and the role of the Catholic Church in confronting the crises facing its communities.
Cuda met with local parish leaders and organizers, and toured neighborhoods that have been transformed by the work of the COPS/Metro Alliance in developing neighborhood infrastructure, housing, health care, job training programs, and other economic development measures....
Meeting with organizations like the COPS/Metro Alliance, as well as other communities/organizations in the United States, Cuda said, is helpful to this mission because they’re able to share best practices for and approaches to community organizing....Cuda said that this push for community organizing is in line with the agenda of Francis.
“[Francis] said the way to arrive to a better life is better politics, and the better politics to him is a social dialogue, and my work is how to help to his agenda, so to open different ways to build bridges, to start a social dialogue between people that have a different interest and different necessities.”
Vatican Official Says Pope Francis Will Cause New Social Dialogue in Argentina, Crux Catholic Media [pdf]
National Gathering of Ministers Features COPS/Metro Collaboration w/San Antonio Archdiocese
At a national gathering of Catholic Social Ministers organized by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), COPS/Metro's work with San Antonio Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller was featured prominently in plenary sessions and a workshop around local organizing for gun safety reform.
During a panel discussion with the Archbishop, Josephine Lopez-Paul shared how COPS/Metro worked with the San Antonio Archdiocese in the aftermath of the massacre at Uvalde in 2022. The Archbishop made an impassioned plea to infuse love into a "culture of death" through faithful participation in the political process around issues impacting life, including gun safety reforms.
Read moreTexas IAF, Bishops, Faithful Call on Lt. Governor and Senate to Reject 'Permitless Carry' Legislation
Bishops, rabbis, clergy and faithful from across Texas convened to express vocal opposition to the passage of proposed legislation HB1927 which would allow "permitless carry" in the state of Texas.
Catholic Bishop Mark Seitz referenced the massacre in El Paso which resulted in dozens of residents dead and seriously injured. Baptist Rev. Darryl Crooms from San Antonio testified to the "unnaturalness" of adults burying children. Lutheran Rev. Jessica Cain testified to the impact of last weekend's shooting in North Austin on local worshippers. Rabbi David Lyon recalled last year's deadly shooting in Santa Fe High School.
Together -- with Lutheran Bishop Erik Gronberg, Episcopal Bishop Suffragan Kathryn Ryan, Methodist Director of Missional Outreach Andy Lewis, Dallas Catholic Bishop Gregory Kelly and several lay leaders -- all expressed concern that passage of HB1927 would increase gun violence. States that have passed similar laws, removing the required license and training needed to carry a handgun, experienced spikes in homicides and gun violence.
“Our faith tradition teaches us to protect life,” said Bishop Suffragan Kathryn M. Ryan of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. “You cannot protect life if people carrying deadly weapons aren’t properly trained and licensed.
"You’ll find no scripture that will support this kind of legislation,” said Pastor John Ogletree, First Metropolitan Church of Houston.
“It makes our church much less safe,” said El Paso Bishop Mark Seitz.
Texas Faith Leaders Come Out Against 'Permitless Carry', CBS Austin [pdf]
Bishop Mark J. Seitz, Other Religious Leaders Oppose Bill That Would Ease Carrying of Guns, El Paso Times [pdf]
Religious Leaders Speak Against Texas Bill That Could Allow You to Carry Gun Without License, ABC13 Houston [pdf]
Group of Texas State Leaders Say They're Opposed to Permitless Carry, FOX KDFW
El Paso Bishop, Gun Store Weigh In On Texas 'Constitutional Carry' Bill Debate, KFOX14 [pdf]
Esto Opinan Líderes Religiosos en Tejas Sobre la Propuesta Legislativa de Portar Armas Sin Licencia, Univision Dallas
COPS/Metro Weighs In on Affordable Housing Taskforce
Leading the campaign to increase funding for owner-occupied housing rehab and affordable housing, COPS / Metro is now participating in the City of San Antonio's affordable housing taskforce.
Read moreCollaboration with COPS/Metro Cited in Close-Up on San Antonio Banker Tom Frost
One moment Tom Frost won't forget created an unexpected collaboration. On Feb. 5, 1975, ...Communities Organized for Public Service (COPS) formed long lines at his bank to disrupt business. One by one, they asked tellers to exchange pennies for dollars, then dollars for pennies.
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