DAI Compels Housing Committee to Adopt Tougher Regulations

The housing committee agreed, and city council will vote on the proposal next month.
Read moreDallas Area Clergy Respond to Local Police Shooting
Clergy Call for DPD, Community to Communicate, FOX 4 News
DAI & Common Ground Team Up to Target Nationstar CEO

Common Ground leaders are in a two-pronged fight to block the use of taxpayer funds for the construction of a (privately-owned) Bucks stadium AND to secure upwards of $30 million from Nationstar to rehabilitate foreclosed houses and prevent further foreclosures. When Common Ground asked Dallas Area Interfaith for assistance, DAI leaders gladly joined the fight (see photo above).
Read moreDAI Lends Muscle to Push for Rest Breaks & Enforcement of Wage Theft Laws

After DAI briefed the Dallas City Council on the need for a rest break ordinance to protect the health of construction workers, the Council took the step of charging the Economic Development Committee to work with stakeholders to craft an ordinance.
Read moreTexas IAF Calls on White House to Halt Speedy Deportations

In El Paso, San Antonio, Houston, Austin, Fort Worth and Dallas, religious leaders preached about the crisis at the border, organized relief efforts and held press conferences reminding the White House and Congress of the Judeo-Christian admonishment for nations to "show kindness and mercy to one another, not oppress the widow, the fatherless, the sojourner or the poor (Zechariah 7:9-10)."
Read moreDAI Calls on President, Congress to Defend Legal Protections of Unaccompanied Kids
In defiance of legislative efforts to denude the Trafficking Victims Act of 2008 of legal protections for unaccompanied minors, Dallas Area Interfaith congregations and bishops called on the White House and Congress to do the opposite: to ensure legal protections for children arriving on our border and stop speed processing of children through immigration courts.
Read moreDAI Leads Charge on Break Ordinance for Construction Workers

Last month, 500 DAI leaders unleashed a tidal wave of pent up energy with the public launch of a campaign zeroing in on what Dallas-area residents can do about immigration reform in the Dallas area. Catholic Bishop Douglas Deshotel and dozens of clergy from Catholic, Jewish, Presbyterian and Methodist denominations blessed the campaign, kicking off a summer of action to address key pieces of the DAI immigration agenda.
Read more500 DAI Leaders Launch LOCAL Immigration Reform Campaign

Accompanied by Auxiliary Bishop Most Reverend J. Douglas Deshotel of the Catholic Diocese of Dallas, DAI clergy urged parishioners and lay leaders to focus their energy on what can be solved at the local level, given the lack of reform options at the federal level.
Read moreWhite House Lauds Dallas Area Interfaith Enrollment Efforts

President Obama plans to meet with Dallas Area Interfaith at Temple Emanu-El, where hundreds of institutional leaders gathered last month to launch their institutional enrollment outreach strategy. Chair of the DAI Healthcare Committee Gwen Lummus explained to the Dallas Morning News that "this area had the highest percentage of uninsured in the whole country. That's one of the reasons we've been working on this."
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