ICON Wins Ban on Waste / Recycling Business in Pomona
After years of fighting for better regulation of waste management industry in Pomona, Inland Communities Organizing Network (ICON) celebrated a unanimous City Council decision to ban new trash processing stations. The ban prohibits new businesses from moving into Pomona and prohibits any expansion of current establishments. ICON leader Reverend Julie Roberts-Fronk of First Christian Church testified that "since 2011, our leaders have come to the city council, planning commission and city staff. The overwhelming sentiment among residents was and continues to be 'enough, no mas! Fix this."
The effort initially grew out of an ICON "Don't Trash Pomona" campaign, begun by member congregation First Presbyterian Church, in which leaders succeeded in negotiating a 33% reduction of trash processed at the plant and conversion of company trucks to CNG alternative fuel.
Read moreICON Fights for Moratorium on Waste Processing in Pomona
Pointing out that Pomona has had two significant fires this year that started at waste processing centers, ICON leader Lisa Engdahl testified before the Pomona City Council asserting that the CIty should develop an action plan that incorporates the concerns of neighborhood residents. Reverend Julie Roberts-Fronk argued that the City should establish greater oversight over recycling and waste management businesses.
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