COPA Leaders Win Crosswalk at Sr. Living Facility
Doña Francisca's death by car, the 4th accident in front of the Sherwood Village senior living facility, brought clarity to members of Aging Latinos in Action. Without a stop sign, seniors were left vulnerable to rushing and inattentive drivers. ALA reached out to COPA for training, then conducted their own research actions and meetings with sitting Council members to secure a crosswalk in front of their living facility. In photo, ALA leaders process down their newly installed crosswalk.
Said leader Fermin Gonzalez, "We're not part of history...we're making history!"
Read morePCIC Stands with Bus Riders Union at City Hall & Wins
PCIC clergy and leaders piled into City Hall to deliver a letter signed by 50 clergy requesting that the City not raise fares for low-income bus riders. The City Manager had proposed that Tucson double the fares of low-income people in addition to increasing all fares across the board. Bus riders and PCIC leaders filled the room while 60 listened from outside...
Concrete Example of Religious Leaders Standing Up for the Poor, Voces de Casa Maria
Read moreSydney Alliance Fights for Railway Lifts
Leaders from the St. George / Sutherland district of the Sydney Alliance, Rockdale neighborhood allies, stepped up their campaign for a railway lift at the Arncliffe Station by standing outside and directly engaging with commuters about their interests. Kate Fitzgerald asserted that not just the elderly would benefit from a lift -- "We have heard countless stories from the Arncliffe community about the disadvantage many... families with prams and people with disabilities or limited mobility endure as they struggle with the three flights of stairs."
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