CCG Fights for Healthy Meals in Jeffco Schools
Coloradans for the Common Good, including Jeffco Education Support Professionals Assoc. (JESPA), called on the Jeffco Board of Education to honor their commitments to promote healthy meals and end outsourcing of special ed transportation.
CCG Statement to the Jeffco Board of Education
Together Baton Rouge Fights to End Food Deserts in Baton Rouge

"There are many nurturing mothers who care what goes into our bodies and our children's bodies," said Tamika Mason Porter. "And we'll make sacrifices to do it." The real issue, she said, is getting access to those good food choices.
Read moreLeaders Fight for Access to Healthy Food in Baton Rouge
"Scotlandville has no shortage of convenience stores, but a true grocery store is hard to come by for this community of about 18,000 residents, according to Census data. And about 89 percent of these people live a mile or more from a true supermarket, said Edgar Cage, a member of St. Michael's and Together Baton Rouge, which has taken on the task of leading initiatives to make healthy foods more accessible to neighborhoods plagued by "food deserts" — whole communities where a grocery store is absent. "Scotlandville is the largest food desert in Baton Rouge," Cage said."
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