Dallas Area Interfaith Launches Durable Medical Equipment Initiative
Acting on stories from people desperately needing medical equipment, DAI leaders launched a Durable Medical Equipment Initiative to acquire, sanitize (according to state code) and distribute gently used medical equipment. This would provide residents with wheelchairs, hospital beds and walkers.
Read moreAMOS Pre-Natal Care Clinic Applauded by CCHD
The launch of a mobile pre-natal care clinic drew public recognition from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, with a laudatory letter by Director Ralph McCloud celebrating AMOS' achievement.
Read moreCity Council Responds to Austin Interfaith: Funding and Citizen Participation
Last spring, initial budget recommendations had slated Capital IDEA, Prime Time after School, ESL and other important programs normally supported by the city for ZERO funding. Since then, Council members approved a revised budget recommendation that expands funding for the highest rated programs at 70% of requested funding. If approved, Capital IDEA would receive continued funding at current levels of over $1,000,000 and other programs like Prime Time After School Program would also be funded. More than 100 Austin Interfaith leaders have been to City Hall this month to show their support for these programs. In addition to advocating for human development programs, AI leaders created a stir about the anti-lobbying ordinance preventing public participation in this process.
Read moreTogether Baton Rouge
More than 1,100 leaders of Together Baton Rouge assembled from approximately 70 congregations and organizations., thirty-five of which made annual pledges. Invited guests included the Mayor, District Attorney, Sheriff, Metro Council Members and State legislators; all committed to work with the organization.
Since then, the organization has advanced its transportation agenda. With a bus system that gets 1/3 the per capita funding of peer cities and forces passengers to wait an average of 75 minutes, the Mayor invited Together Baton Rouge to work with the City to create some solutions. The resulting plan will create a dedicated source of revenue for transit for the first time in the City's history more than doubling the budget from $12 Million to $30 Million in order to expand bus routes and reduce wait times.
Valley Interfaith Expands Sewage Lines into Donna Colonias
Leaders of Valley Interfaith succeeded in expanding sewage infrastructure into the colonias of Donna, for the first time bringing first-world drainage to its residents. Before this expansion, people relied on septic tanks which would overflow during the rainy season, causing numerous health problems for families.
Read more‘Quality Education as an Constitutional Right’ Reviewed
Ernesto Cortes Interviewed at Rutgers University
Together Baton Rouge Works to Improve Bus Service & Transform Community
"Changing BR Together." The Advocate, 05/21/11
Read moreDisappointed Crowd Seeks Answers on Social Service Funding Process
May 13, 2011
Read moreAustin Interfaith Knocks On Doors to Get Out the Vote
Article and radio segment available here