600 Tulsa Leaders Engage Mayoral Candidates on Non-Partisan Agenda
ACTION Leaders Propose "Institutional ID" Program as Path Forward After Passage of Anti-Immigrant HB 4516
16 faith groups and advocacy organizations turned out for ACTION Tulsa's Mayoral Accountability Session on July 28 inside Trinity Episcopal Church.
"I think this might be the first of its kind in this kind of format," Sheyda Brown from Terence Crutcher Foundation told 2 News....
Maria de Leon from Tulsa Lutherans in Action introduced the “institutional ID” strategy, saying people are nervous since the passage of Oklahoma House Bill 4156 criminalizing undocumented status. A first offense would be punishable by a fine of up to $500 and one year in jail; a second offense carries a felony punishment of up to two years in jail and a $1,000 fine.
HB 4156 is currently on hold due to a federal judge’s order. But Oklahoma is appealing, and de Leon said people are afraid to engage...
“families are scared to take their kids to school or to report crime.”
All the mayoral candidates expressed support for an unofficial ID program.
[Photo Credit: Terence Crutcher Foundation / Black Wall Street Times / Facebook Livestream]
ACTION Tulsa Mayoral Candidate Program Draws Crowd of 500+, KJRH 2 News [pdf]
Mayoral Candidates Discuss Support for Grassroots Immigrant ID Program, Public Radio Tulsa [pdf]
CCG, Allies Secure City Subpoena Power to Go After Wage Theft in Denver, CO
On this International Worker's Day, Coloradans for the Common Good (CCG) leaders, led by members of Centro de los Trabajadores, and labor allies celebrated a major step forward in the protection of immigrant workers.
At the urging of CCG and labor allies, Denver City Council unanimously passed an ordinance to extend subpoena power to the Denver Auditor in matters of wage investigations. Companies accused of wage theft may no longer simply pay a small fine and move on when accused. This power means stronger enforcement of Denver's wage protections and more money for the workers who earned it.
This victory was built on hundreds of conversations with immigrant workers who shared painful stories of wage theft and disrespect in the workplace.
Read moreNebraska Leaders Improve Police & ICE Treatment of Immigrants
After leaders of OTOC's Immigration Action Team challenged Omaha Police Chief Todd Schmaderer to ensure that immigrants stopped by OPD officers receive fair treatment, OPD issued an official bulletin to all officers informing them that the matricula consular could be accepted as valid identification. (The matricula consular is an identification card issued by consulates verifying the place of residence for foreign nationals.) Photo shows leaders in early encounter with Chief Schmaderer.
OTOC leaders also met with the head of Douglas County Corrections and the regional director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) about ways to reduce the number of immigrants with small children being detained in Douglas County jails while they await deportation hearings. ICE has now implemented a new release program which allows up to 100 persons who would otherwise be detained to return home to their families while they await their hearings.
VOICE Hosts Interfaith Prayer Service for Immigration
"About 300 people attended the Interfaith Prayer Service for Immigration hosted by Voices Organized in Civic Engagement...Clergy leaders shared Scripture readings, prayers, poetry and other writings that described the church's responsibility to aid immigrants who seek a better life in America...The Rev. Tim Luschen, pastor of St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, read an excerpt from a United States Conference of Catholic Bishops document titled "Strangers No Longer, Together on the Journey of Hope.""
In photo, Rev. Raul Reyes exhorts participants at the service.
[Photo Credit: Sarah Phipps, Oklahoman]
COPS / Metro Alliance Builds Trust Between Immigrants and San Antonio Police
As energizing as the West side gathering was, what made it truly remarkable was that it emerged from hundreds of similar stories shared during "house meetings," or small group conversations, organized by Sacred Heart and COPS/Metro during Lent. Parishioners met in the church hall after Masses, knocked on doors around the neighborhood for six straight Saturdays, and hosted neighbors in their homes to understand the pressures on the families and to find people willing to act. Weeks of training, conversations, deliberation and preparation came before the meeting with Chief McManus...."
Read moreEPISO Leverages Commitments from Candidates on Education, Immigration and Workforce Development
The event was organized by El Paso Interreligious Sponsoring Organization, a non-partisan group..."
Read moreCOPS / Metro Alliance Highlights Impact of Anti-Immigrant Laws in Wake of US Supreme Court Hearings
After mass, Sacred Heart Parish sponsored an assembly on immigration to highlight the impact of anti-immigrant laws on families that create fear, vulnerable citizens and concerns of violations of human rights."
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