by West/Southwest IAF
· July 22, 2013 3:36 PM
Cut Your Cost / Reduzca El Costo

With confusion threatening to undermine a key opportunity to insure millions of individuals in Texas, the healthcare action team of Dallas Area Interfaith (DAI) and Allied Communities of Tarrant (ACT) produced hundreds of thousands of booklets designed to clearly explain the Marketplace Enrollment aspect of the Affordable Care Act. US Health and Human Services Regional Director Marjorie Petty praised DAI's strategy as "amazing" and "a model for others in the country." DAI & ACT are bringing this booklet into member congregations and institutions to teach lay people about how the ACA could help them. Read the booklet to learn what CA could mean to you.
For more information, contact Lead Organizer Willie Bennett: [email protected].
Healthcare Enrollment Bootcamp

TMO and the Houston Interfaith Sponsoring Committee recently graduated one hundred leaders from its healthcare bootcamps; all of which have committed to returning to their congregations and institutions to teach others about the federal healthcare marketplace. Congregations are also planning walks and neighborhood rallies to raise awareness. For more information contact Lead Organizer Elizabeth Valdez:
[email protected].
Additional informative links below:
You Ask, We Answer: Demystifying the Affordable Care Act, NPR
How Does the Affordable Care Act Help People Like Me?,