Clint Independent School District trustees, presented with an easy opportunity to expand representative democracy, punted. They had no good explanation for failing to make an easy decision, just mutterings about needing more time to study...."The El Paso Interreligious Sponsoring Organization has been the leader in the movement to reform Clint ISD's voting patterns.
Austin Interfaith's First In-District Charter Leads the Way
Their volunteers then went door-to-door, garnering support and hosting school meetings to find out what parents and teachers wanted in a school. They reached 90 percent of the school's households and got 99 percent support from parents and 97 percent support from staff...."
Read moreScottsdale USD Joins VIP Call for Increased School Funding
"The Valley Interfaith Project is sparking a grass-roots movement to increase school funding statewide, and the Scottsdale Unified School District is the first to jump onboard.
Read moreAlbuquerque Interfaith Challenges ‘Trojan Horse’ of Private Charters
New Mexico Representative Mimi Stewart and Sen. Linda Lopez joined the Rev. Trey Hammond of Albuquerque Interfaith at a news conference Tuesday to announce the introduction of House Bill 460, which would bar private firms from running public schools.
Read moreBorder Interfaith Leverages Commitments to Reduce Negative Impact of Tests
Local Group Hosts Debate with 8 Candidates Running for Election, El Paso Times
Austin Interfaith’s In-District Charter Proposal Moves Forward
"Travis Heights is looking to partner with Education Austin and Austin Interfaith to start an in-district charter model allowing the school to have more autonomy. The school would focus on curriculum with its dual-language program, service learning model and a piloted blended learning program that incorporates digital media, Carstarphen said. 'They're not asking for more money; they're asking for more flexibility....'"
Read moreEPISO Challenges School Representation & Spending Disparities
"Before the board meeting on Wednesday, the El Paso Interreligious Sponsoring Organization, or EPISO, and the Paso del Norte Civil Rights Project argued that the district's at-large elected board does not ensure equal representation throughout the communities it serves, particularly the Horizon City and Montana Vista areas....Six of the seven school board members live in Clint, and one trustee, Patricia Randleel, lives in Horizon City, said district spokeswoman Laura Cade.
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