One LA Takes on LA Traffic & WINS $120 Billion Bond Election
Building on a four-year campaign, One LA leaders and their allies shaped, pushed for and passed Measure M to raise $120 Billion for new rail lines, improved bus services, and street and highway projects which will create hundreds of thousands of jobs and make finding and getting to a job easier for working poor families across LA County.
Passing this bond measure required meeting a challenging two-thirds voter threshold for approval. This extraordinary victory took a county-wide education and mobilization of non-traditional allies crossing significant geographic, racial, religious and socioeconomic lines.
Read moreOne LA Gets Out The Vote for Los Angeles Public Transit Bond
"We came. We knocked doors. We registered. We organized." Following months of civic academies, in a long campaign to improve public transit in Los Angeles, while creating local jobs and preserving affordable housing, One LA leaders knocked on doors from South Los Angeles to the San Gabriel Valley to West LA and the San Fernando Valley. Leaders are promoting a "yes" vote on Measure M, a ballot measure that they helped shape, in addition to other Propositions. Additional photos, One LA
One LA Begins to Tackle Transit, LA County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
One LA leaders are leading efforts around construction of transit lines and the creation of affordable housing around new transit hubs. Leaders hosted a stakeholders gathering in collaboration with Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, drawing over 150 members of One LA congregations, schools, non-profits, unions and public and private entities. Soon after, leaders from ten One LA institutions attended the monthly Metro Board Meeting to welcome the new Metro CEO, Philip Washington, and to present their Opportunity Agenda of jobs, housing, and transit improvements. Metro, also known as the MTA, has a huge opportunity in 2016 to move each of those interests forward. One LA looks forward to being part of the conversation around a potential 2016 ballot measure.
TMO Leaders Push for Substantive Metro Bus Service Overhaul
Regular Metro bus rider Julia Ramirez and TMO leaders Fr. Kevin Collins and Franklin Olson argue that the Metro bus system of Houston needs major changes if it plans to create a new system. With a commute that currently takes at least two hours each way, Ramirez pinpoints 4 concrete needed changes in the article below.
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Sydney Alliance Leverages Lift at Commuter Station in Arncliffe
Leaders long working to secure funding for a lift at the Arncliffe commuter station, celebrated Transport Minister Gladys Berejiklian's announcement that an elevator would be installed soon. Stroller-carrying parents, senior citizens and wheelchair using citizens launched a campaign to make the Sydney public transportation system more accessible. Leaders have identified an additional 761 stations that are not currently wheelchair accessible.
Arncliffe Commuters Get a Lift!, Sydney Alliance
Read moreNCG Leaders Research Bus Transport for Elderly Vets
As part of its elder issues campaign, leaders of 'Nevadans for the Common Good' have begun researching the accessibility of public transport in Boulder City, conducting a research action in the field.
"'The good news,' said the Rev. Robert Stoeckig of the Office of the Vicar General of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Vegas, ...'is that the (Regional Transportation Commission) website is wrong. But the bad news is that the website is wrong.'
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