San Antonio's Bishop Janak Encourages 150+ Congregational Leaders to Continue Building the Body of Christ
On May 4-5, more than 150 ministry leaders, women religious, clergy, and seminarians from 31 congregations participated in 'Recognizing the Stranger’ parish leadership development in collaboration with the Archdiocese of San Antonio. The sessions were conducted in English and Spanish and included visitors from IAF sister organization Citizen’s UK who came to learn more about the neighborhoods transformed by COPS' efforts.
In opening remarks, Bishop Gary Janak expressed his gratitude to the participants and encouraged them to continue building the body of Christ.
COPS/Metro Builds on Momentum from Convocation with Recognizing the Stranger Training
On Saturday April 15th, over 200 people from 41 institutions and 6 deaneries participated in 'Recognizing the Stranger' parish leadership training in collaboration with the Archdiocese of San Antonio. The session was conducted in English and in Spanish, and included 15 clergy and two bishops. Spanish speaking leaders expressed a strong desire to organize their parishes.
A major theme developed over the course of the sessions was that the Church is not a parking lot and that Mission is key element of the one's faith. Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller told participants that the Church needs their leadership because clergy cannot do what lay leaders can.
Read moreSan Antonio Sister Urges Voters to Vote Their Conscience
As political groups across the country make their last appeals to Christian voters, often pointing to a narrow set of issues, Sister Jane Ann Slater, chancellor of the Catholic Archdiocese of San Antonio, wants the people of faith to think more broadly...
“You look at the breadth of issues under the umbrella of common good and quality of life,” she said.
The workforce development initiative, known as “Proposition B,” is as much about helping those hit hardest by COVID-19...
For years Slater has been working with C.O.P.S./Metro, an alliance of community organizations that started with coalitions of local churches and grew over time to include labor unions and other activists to organize on immigration and living wage campaigns...winning victories throughout the 1990s and instituting programs that continue to bear fruit today, including Project QUEST, the program on which Proposition B is modeled.
When the pandemic hit, the Archdiocese of San Antonio quickly worked with C.O.P.S./Metro to ensure the city directed millions of dollars in COVID-19 relief funds toward housing security, but Slater said charity isn’t enough for the long term. That’s where Proposition B comes in.
C.O.P.S./Metro worked with the local community college district and employers to assure that the kind of training the new program provides will make participants eligible for jobs that already exist with room for salary growth.
They’ve also been trying to get word out to voters that the program Proposition B aims to replace, a popular aquifer protection program, will be funded by another revenue stream. Protecting environmental resources, especially clean water, is not a trade off C.O.P.S./Metro is asking people to make.
“You don’t listen to your bishop. You don’t listen to the pope. You don’t listen to the church as an institution,” Slater said, “You vote your conscience and no one can tell you you were wrong … well, they can, but you don’t have to listen.”
[Photo Credit: Our Lady of the Lake University]
Listen to Your Conscience, Not the Bishop or Pope, Texas Nun Urges Voters, SoJourners [pdf]
San Antonio Express-News Notes that as the San Antonio Archdiocese Grew, So Did COPS/Metro

In many ways, the history of the Archdiocese of San Antonio is a series of immigration stories that reflect the state's political shifts, its segregation, its social changes and the succeeding waves of religious leaders and workers who came to Texas to convert the population and lead the faithful....
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