Christine Stephens & Ernie Cortes Reflect on Life of Edward Chambers
Read more"Ed believed in the mission of the church, and I don't just mean the Roman Catholic Church," Sister Christine Stephens, a member of Chambers's leadership team in the I.A.F., said. "That mission involved dealing with people who are on the margins, people who don't have power."
Austin Leaders Leverage $2.38M in Youth Investments
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NYT Cites Capital IDEA-Houston as Factor in Class Mobility
"Houston is one of the few southern cities where upward social mobility is as high as cities in the Northeast and West... Roughly 22 percent of Houston children who grew up in the poorest fifth of the national income distribution have ended up in the top two-fifths today, according to the study.
Read moreAustin Interfaith Weighs in on Health Insurance Exchange
"Texas officials have declined to establish a state-based health insurance marketplace, a major provision of the federal Affordable Care Act. So private organizations are working to educate Texans about coverage options through the federal health insurance exchange, which opens on Oct. 1....The department will also finance at least two "navigators" — organizations intended to guide people through the exchange — per state.
Read moreAMOS Wins $200K for Project IOWA Training: Governor Signs Bill
Common Ground Launches with 1,500 Delegates in Vallejo, CA
"An enthusiastic crowd of about 1,500 people filled a Vallejo high school gym Sunday afternoon to welcome a new multi-county organization to the community.
Read moreYuma County Interfaith Fights for Immigration Reform & Medicaid
Kicanas' appeal came as he spoke to members of Yuma County Interfaith, a faith-based group whose leaders and members represent a variety of religious denominations in the area."
Read moreTogether Baton Rouge Launches Community Scripture Studies
With this new community Bible study program, the purposes are to 'develop relationships across the lines that divide us' and embrace 'the call of Scripture to act in the world today,' Wesley said."
Read moreCortes Honored at Harvard for Restoring American Democracy
As co-director of the Industrial Areas Foundation...he has taught thousands of people how to harness and direct their anger by helping them to organize with others to change conditions around them.... For those efforts, the Phillips Brooks House Association (PBHA) presented its annual Robert Coles "Call of Service" Award to Cortés on Friday in the Memorial Church.
Read moreWorking Together Jackson
Jackson Free Press
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