DAI Makes the Case for Public Investment in Job Training
Adriana, a single mother of two, is a Skill Quest participant. Before the program, she earned $600 a month cleaning homes, and the thought of going to school was a dream. Now when she finishes her radiology degree next year, she will be placed in a job in Dallas earning $50,000 to start.
Read moreDAI Leverages Commitments in Suburban Congressional and State Legislative District Primaries
DAI leaders from Richardson, Garland and North Dallas engaged Democratic primary challengers in Congressional District 32, and Republican candidates for Senate District 2 and House Districts 114 and 102 . Leaders secured pledges around local control of payday lending ordinances and restoration of state funding to public schools and workforce development.
Dallas Morning News Lauds Skill QUEST for Curbing Poverty
With over 400 graduated participants since 2010, Dallas Area Interfaith-established Skill Quest is making a name for itself through effective long-term job training. Says columnist Mercedes Olivera, Skill Quest is "doing its share to help reduce Dallas' poverty rate, one of the highest in the country."
Skill QUEST Curbs Dallas Poverty by Helping Workers Move Into New Careers, Dallas Morning News