West/Southwest IAF
· March 12, 2017 10:41 AM
West/Southwest IAF
· February 10, 2017 1:58 PM
In response to public pressure by '
Nevadans for the Common Good' to expand funding for Meals on Wheels in Nevada, Henderson and Boulder City Councils approved resolutions urging the state legislature and Governor Brian Sandoval to increase state funding for the program by $5 million every two years. Already, the Governor has responded by including $1.5 million in his budget proposal for the food program, a +100% increase over current funding levels. Leaders are pushing for more.
The meal delivery program targets vulnerable seniors. At current funding levels, the program is reported to provide more than 300 Henderson seniors +112,000 meals per year. However, a city spokesperson reports that nearly 300 additional seniors are on the waiting list.
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West/Southwest IAF
· February 22, 2016 2:21 PM
At the Sound Alliance's Action Assembly on Homelessness, leaders confronted state legislators from District 46, including Senator David Frockt, Representative Gerry Pollett, and Representative Jessyn Farrell about the lack of affordable housing and the regressive tax structure of the Washington state budget. Leaders secured public commitments for statewide budget reform in order to expand the resources available to fund public education and other human services.
Sound Alliance leaders are planning to partner with Spokane Alliance to work with statewide legislative allies to develop a proposal in time for the 2017 legislative session. House meetings are being organized now to determine statewide priorities.
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West/Southwest IAF
· February 14, 2014 10:17 AM
Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith leaders hosted a summit in which university presidents responded to questions about the impact of state budget cuts to economic growth in Louisiana and about investments universities need to provide quality affordable education. Leaders highlighted the importance of affordable high education as a gateway to the middle-class for lower income residents. They additionally drew attention to studies documenting that for every $1 invested in higher ed, the state enjoys $8 in additional economic activity.
The summit was held in collaboration with the University of Louisiana at Monroe, Grambling State University, Louisiana Delta Community College and Louisiana Tech University. In photo, Grambling President Frank Pogue and ULM President Nick Bruno lead a discussion.
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