AZ Bishops & Chamber Leaders Demand Immigration Reform
At a press conference convened by Valley Interfaith Project with the Arizona bishops, Catholic Bishop Thomas Olmsted signed a letter to the Arizona congressional delegation for immigration reform, attesting that "the cost of inaction is too high." Bishop Olmsted was joined by Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo Nevares, Rabbi John Linder, ELCA Bishop Steve Talmage, Denise Resnick of DRA Stategic Communications in Phoenix and Barry Broome, president and CEO of the Greater Phoenix Economic Council. Broome noted that some companies don't come to Arizona because they think the state does not treat people well.
Read moreTMO Clergy & Houston Bishops Denounce SAFE Act
Methodist Bishop Janice Riggle and Catholic Cardinal Daniel Dinardo spoke at a TMO press conference supporting comprehensive immigration reform and condemning the "Safe Act" bill. With clergy and representation from every major religious denomination in Houston, leaders called on those who oppose the SAFE Act to communicate their perspective with the Congressional representatives. Bishop Michael Rinehart of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America noted that the SAFE Act contradicts the immigration principles local religious leaders first put forth in 2008. Rev. John Ogletree of First Metropolitan Church and Rabbi David Lyon of Congregation Beth Israel also called on Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform.
Read moreAZ Interfaith Meets with Sen. John McCain Reaffirming Support for Immigration Reform
McCain: Backing Immigration Reform Sends Right Message, Arizona Republic
NAIC Urges US Representative Ann Kirkpatrick to Support Immigration Reform
"One attendee told of a young Flagstaff woman who qualified for temporary legal residency as a so-called "Dreamer." She was caught, however, driving to work without a license because Arizona does not allow Dreamers to apply for licenses. She obtained a license in California, but it is considered only temporary if she lives in Arizona. 'She still has to violate the law,' said the attendee. 'We have to go forward with reform.'"
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