"A wheelchair-using retired U.S. Air Force captain who travels to the hospital by bus three times a week.
A New York transplant who hoped to get to her job without having to purchase a vehicle.
A Southern University student who does not want to traverse a dark campus late at night.
A city planner who wants to foster economic development.
These are just some of the people who said Tuesday they will be voting for a proposed 10.6-mill property tax on April 21 to expand and improve the Capital Area Transit System.
"We are you Baton Rouge," CATS rider Rebecca Arnold said. "We are all skin colors, all ages ...""
In Photo: Joseph Sterling, retired US Air Force Captain, Together Baton Rouge
Credit: Heather McClelland, Advocate staff
Event urges CATS support, The Advocate
Together BR rallies, WBRZ Channel 2
Transit reform rally held, WAFB Channel 9
Participants want reform, WVLA Channel 33