CTI & Allies Call for Living Wage Increase to $22/Hour


Council members got an earful Tuesday from the Living Wage Working Group, made up of unions and workers’ advocates, on why they say the living wage needs to be increased to $22 in the upcoming city budget. It’s been stuck at $15 since 2018.

"The high cost of living makes it difficult for city employees to live in the city that they work in,"

said [Rev.] Minerva Camarena-Skeith of [St. John's Episcopal Church and] Central Texas Interfaith.

The proposed change would apply to most city workers, from construction workers to airport employees to lifeguards, as well as workers for companies contracted by the city or companies which receive tax abatements. Departments citywide are plagued with high vacancy rates, as they lose workers to higher-paying private-sector jobs.

"$22 an hour is a starting place. We believe that it's still not a living wage," said Fabiola Barreto, Austin Policy Coordinator with the Workers Defense Project.

Austin City Council Considers Raising Living Wage for Workers, FOX News 7 [pdf] 

City Must Raise Wages to $22/Hour Working Group Says, Austin Monitor