Candidates Say 'Yes' to Together West Michigan Leaders in Grand Rapids

Safer Streets, Youth Programming, Expanded Childcare Funding & Support for New Americans

More than 300 Together West Michigan (TWM) members and neighbors leveraged commitments from candidates for Grand Rapids City Commission and Michigan State House at their 2024 Candidate Accountability Session.

Candidates for the Grand Rapids Third Ward Commission seat and Mayor committed to work with TWM to:

  • Implement short and long term traffic calming plans on streets where homes, cars, and residents have been hit repeatedly.
  • Convene key stakeholders to develop funding for year-round youth programming in the Third Ward.
  • Develop a better affordable housing contribution from the Fulton and Market (Three Towers) downtown development proposal than the current $8.5 million for affordable housing over 20 years.

State House candidates committed to work with TWM to:

  • Support increasing the Michigan childcare scholarship (formerly the subsidy) by 11% to pandemic era/ARPA funding levels in the coming year’s budget.
  • Create a dedicated child care fund in the Michigan budget and seeking revenue to fill it. 
  • Strengthen English language learning and resettlement support for New Americans in Kent County.

Accountability Assembly VideoTogether West Michigan