Common Ground leaders are in a two-pronged fight to block the use of taxpayer funds for the construction of a (privately-owned) Bucks stadium AND to secure upwards of $30 million from Nationstar to rehabilitate foreclosed houses and prevent further foreclosures. When Common Ground asked Dallas Area Interfaith for assistance, DAI leaders gladly joined the fight (see photo above).
Bucks, owned by three New York City billionaires, is courting Milwaukee elected officials to secure millions in taxpayer-funded subsidies for a proposed stadium. One of the billionaires, Wesley Edens, also owns Nationstar Mortgage, currently responsible for 300 foreclosed properties and 1,600 loans being paid by families in danger of foreclosure in Milwaukee.
Leaders argue that not only do Bucks owners not need taxpayer funding, they do not deserve it, due to their shoddy treatment of families struggling to pay their mortgages and neglect of foreclosed properties which leaders argue contributes to increased blight.