Labor Market Intermediaries

West and Southwest IAF organizations are pioneering workforce initiatives that bring working people out of poverty level jobs and into living wage careers. By building the political will for investment of public monies in long-term training, local organizations have successfully brought together employers, community college officials and community leaders to create long-term workforce development and education programs for actual jobs in high demand occupations.

Inspired by the success of the oldest of these labor market intermediaries, Project Quest in San Antonio, leaders established an additional nine projects in the West and Southwest US: Capital IDEA in Austin, Texas; Project ARRIBA in El Paso, Texas; VIDA in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas; JobPath in Tucson, Arizona; NOVA in Monroe, Louisiana, Skills-Quest in Dallas, Texas; Capital IDEA-Houston in Houston, Texas; Project IOWA; and Arizona Career Pathways in Phoenix. In 2014, DuPage County United launched its own labor market intermediary, Career Connect Metro West, just outside Chicago.

Collectively, these institutions have trained and placed over 12,000 adults in living wage jobs which pay, on average, $40,000 annually plus benefits and a career path. This number is expected to grow as the West / Southwest IAF expands into Phoenix, Des Moines, Albuquerque and DuPage.


Project Quest Capital IDEA Project ARRIBA VIDA JobPath NOVA Capital IDEA-Houston Skill-Quest Project IOWA Arizona Career Pathways

Career Connect Metro West


Texas Job Program Shows Unusually Strong, Lasting Gains, Study Finds, Austin American Statesman (2017)

A Capital Idea: We Can't Think of a More Valuable Initiative, Houston Chronicle (2014)

A Look at How Project ARRIBA Helps Individuals and the Community, KVIA (2014)

Job Training Program Adjusts Amid Funding Cuts, Texas Tribune (2013)

Who Can Fix the "Middle-Skills" Gap?, Harvard Business Review (2012)

School for Success, The American Prospect (2012)

Project Quest a Worthwhile Investment for City, San Antonio Express News (2012)

Workforce Training of Parents Boost Children's Aspirations Austin American Statesman (2011)

Tucson Tech: $200,000 Grant to Help Train 50 Adults Arizona Daily Star (2011)

VIDA Success Stories Multiply; Job-Training Organization Moves Forward Brownsville Herald (2009)

Building a Career Where There Was Just a Dead End Washington Post (2007)


VIDA: Implementation and Early Impact Report, Pathways for Advancing Careers in Education (2018)

Escalating Gains: Project QUEST'S Sectoral Strategy Pays Off, Economic Mobility Corporation (2017)

Economic Impact of Project ARRIBA on El Paso, Texas UT El Paso, Institute for Policy and Economic Development (2015)

Economic Impacts of the JobPath Program on Pima County Applied Economics (2014)

Return on Investment from Capital IDEA: Research Brief, Full Report, 2014 Update UT Austin, Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources (2011)

VIDA: Economic Impact Study UT Pan American, Data & Information Systems Center (2010)

Project Quest: A Case Study of a Sectoral Employment Development Approach, Aspen Institute (2001)

Capital IDEA: Generational Impact Study (2011)

Beyond Graduation: Promoting Post-Program Engagement & Advancement Aspen Institute (2009); On the Road to Success video (2010)


Further reading on workforce development strategies

Video about the establishment of Project Quest in San Antonio (1994)

Narrative about the establishment of Project Quest in San Antonio