Building on a program they created 7 years ago to provide emergency shelter for Marin residents during winter months, 250 MOC leaders succeeded in persuading both leading candidates for Marin County District 1 Supervisor to commit to finding money to expand the program to year round. Candidates Susan Adams and Damon Connolly both said yes to the crowd gathered at Congregation Rodef Sholom.
The Rotating Emergency Shelter Team (REST) program operates during five winter months each year, housing and feeding 40 men at rotating congregations -- as well as 20 women housed at the County Wellness Center and served by congregations.
"We can and must do better," said Patti Breitman of Gan Halev, who volunteers with the Homeless Help Desk at the St. Vincent De Paul Society of Marin. "It is heartbreaking to tell people there is no place to go after REST closes each year."
Leaders additionally secured commitments for an ongoing partnership on implementation of ACA in the county and on addressing long-term affordable housing.
Press Release, Marin Organizing Committee
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