NCLI Effort Leads to First Local Rejection of Industrial Tax Break


Fighting a four-front battle to better invest local public funds, Northern & Central Louisiana Interfaith (NCLI) leaders recently persuaded the Caddo Parish Sheriff Steve Prator to become the first local official in state history to use the newly-granted local authority to reject an industrial tax exemption request.

This month, three more local entities (Caddo Parish, the City of Shreveport, and the Caddo Parish School Board) will vote on multi-million dollar tax exemption requests, one application at a time.

Leaders called on the Caddo Economic Development Board to better invest its economic development dollars in human infrastructure (PreK-12 and long-term workforce development), as well as in systems for drainage, sewage, clean air and water.

In a First, Louisiana Sheriff Rejects Tax Break for Local Business - A Move That Has Business Leaders Concerned, The Advocate

Letter from Caddo Parish Sheriff Regarding Tax Exemptions for Inferno Manufacturing