Pomona Leaders Deliver 2,700 New Letters to City Hall

"Residents living near the proposed site of the transfer station and leaders of the Pomona Valley cluster of One LA, gathered the letters that call for City Council members to refrain from scheduling an appeal hearing for the proposed project....

Among those in the group who delivered the letters was Anselmo Olmos, a retired construction worker who lives about a block away from the site of the proposed transfer station...Among Olmos' concerns is the impact of the proposed project on the health of a 2-year-old grandson who is a heart transplant recipient living near the site...Olmos spent much of November and December talking with residents on neighborhood streets asking they sign the letters that were delivered to City Hall. 'I spoke with mothers, and the majority said their children have asthma,' Olmos said.

The majority of residents and business people he approached signed letters."

Opponents of Pomona Waste Transfer Station Deliver Protest Letters; Item Off Monday's Agenda, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

Pomona Protests Dump Station Near Schools, California Teacher's Association

Pomona Transfer Station Proponent Plans Education Campaign With the Public, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin