Religious leaders from
Northern & Central Louisiana and
Together Louisiana hosted a press conference to refocus the public conversation on to work, policing and taxes. Citing the successes of labor market intermediary
NOVA, Rev. Theron Jackson declared the organization was working to help people find "good jobs" in contrast to "people working 40 hours a week just to starve." Said Lead Organizer Lady Carlson, "We don't want the death of Alton Sterling to get lost in other events that have happened." She cited collaboration with Attorney General Loretta Lynch to look at local policing practices, federal support for community policing and ways to deescalate tensions." Leaders pointed to changes in the state's Industrial Tax Exemption Program, recently achieved with the support of Governor Edwards, as a way to bring back local tax dollars for workforce development, education, public defenders' offices and more.
Faith Based Leaders Take a Stand, Shreveport Times
Interfaith, Together Louisiana Leaders Meet to Discuss Workforce Development, KSLA News