Together Baton Rouge Leverages Local Incentives to Relieve Food Deserts in Low-Income Neighborhoods


The city-parish’s efforts to address food deserts in north Baton Rouge and other parts of the city has reached what Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome called a major milestone through the launch of the Healthy Food Retail provide incentives to grocers to set up shop in some of the city-parish’s underserved communities.


Broome was joined by an array of community partners during the announcement Tuesday, one being Together Baton Rouge, which has been working to bring more affordable, healthier food options to parts of the city where grocery stores are scarce.

Edgar Cage, a spokesman affiliated with the faith-based organization, said 23% of the parish’s population live in areas with little choice for healthy food. The national average is 7%, he said.

Together Baton Rouge claims the most vulnerable residents affected by the parish’s food deserts are 19,000 children and 7,000 seniors.

“Early on we knew there needs to be infrastructure created to make things happen,” Cage said.

[Photo Credit: Bill Feig, The Advocate]

Incentives Aim to Bring Grocers Offering Healthier Fare to Baton Rouge's 'Food Deserts'The Advocate [pdf]