OTOC Agenda Gets Unanimous Support from 11 Candidates for Federal & Nebraska Legislative Office

Republican and Democratic candidates for federal office committed to advance reforms in immigration, childcare access, and humanitarian parole.  State issues included access to drivers’ licenses and unemployment insurance, and preservation of ballot initiatives. All issues emerged from a conversation campaign of over 150 meetings across the state. 


Nearly 400 leaders of Omaha Together One Community (OTOC) member institutions met Sunday (Oct. 20) at St. Pius X Catholic Church with eleven candidates for U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives and State Legislature as OTOC sought commitments to support solutions on key issues important to the membership....

OTOC leaders presented their personal stories illustrating the need for: the creation of pathways to permanency for long-term immigrant Nebraskans; the reauthorization of the Child Care and Development Block Grant program to expand access to childcare; and for the creation of a humanitarian parole program for the Sudanese.  Representative Don Bacon, State Senator Tony Vargas, and Preston Love Jr. unanimously supported all three Federal OTOC initiatives.

OTOC leaders again presented State Legislative candidates with their personal stories illustrating the need for: expanding drivers’ licenses to all Nebraska residents; expanding access to unemployment insurance for all work-authorized Nebraskans; and protecting the role of citizens by preserving the ballot initiative process.... 

[Photo Credit: Cass Opal]

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OTOC Agenda Gets Unanimous Support at Candidates Accountability SessionOTOC