In a presentation to the Travis County Commissioners Austin Interfaith described the arrival of unaccompanied children a humanitarian crisis that requires a thoughtful and proactive response. Specifically they are asking the County to coordinate the use of public buildings to temporarily house children before they are sent to relatives or a foster family and wait for their day in immigration court.
Groups Want to Bring Large Number of Migrant Children to Austin, KXAN
Religious Leaders Push for Relief Center for Unaccompanied Children, FOX 7 News
Religious Groups Ask County for Immigration Aid, Time Warner Cable News
Faith Based Groups Ask Travis County to Help, KEYE TV
Austin Interfaith Urges Travis Officials to Aid Migrant Children, Austin American Statesman
Grupos Religiosos Se Unen Para Ayudar a Undocumentados Que Lleguen a Austin, Telemundo Austin
Organizacion Religiosa Piden Trato Humano Para Niños Migrantes, Univision Austin