COPS / Metro Helps Alamo College Students Reinstate Majors, Develop Participatory Process

When Alamo (Community) Colleges announced a decision to eliminate major designations from associate degrees last summer, AC students fought back. Simon Sanchez, from the Student Leadership Coalition asserted, "we are not victims." With the support of the Communities Organized for Public Service (COPS) and Metro Alliance, the organization reached out to hundreds of students, leveraging 595 signatures for a petition against the policy.

In December, college administrators reversed their decision and announced that they would institute a more participatory process that will include dialogue with the people most affected by the policy -- the community college students themselves.

Alamo Colleges Changes Course, Will Reinstate Majors, San Antonio Express News

Alamo Colleges Delays Plan to Eliminate Majors, Inside Higher Ed

Students and Faculty Suggest Inclusion, Improvements on Reinstating Majors, The Ranger