As part of a two-pronged approach to restrict payday lenders, the North Texas IAF succeeded in persuading the Council to pass zoning restrictions which would separate payday and auto-title lenders from banks, credit unions and more traditional financial institutions, while also requiring them to seek a specific-use permit from the council. The purpose of this would be to prevent high concentrations of payday lenders in low-income (or any) neighborhoods and would apply to new businesses.
Councilwoman Sheri Capehart revealed that she had not realized the extent of the problem until she heard from North Texas IAF congregational leaders.
"People were coming in and saying 'I did this loan and I can't pay my bills,' so they go to their church and ask for help," she said. "It was putting significant drain on the churches."
Arlington OKs Land Use Restrictions on Payday Lenders, Fort Worth Star-Telegram