IAF Celebrates 40 Years Making Texas Better, El Paso Times [pdf]
Grassroots Grows Up, Texas Observer [pdf]
Ordinary People Acting Extraordinarily, San Antonio Express News [pdf]
Austin Interfaith, COPS and the Big Bang, Austin American Statesman [pdf]
Austin Interfaith Celebrates 30 Years of Building Power, Austin American Statesman [pdf]
De los Santos: My Life-Changing Work with Valley Interfaith, Rio Grande Guardian [pdf]
Organizacion Que Ayuda a la Comunidad Inmigrante en Texas Cumple 40 Anos y se Marca Nuevos Objetivos, La Voz [pdf]
Interfaith Dialogue: Austin Group Celebrates 30 Years of Faith in Action, Catholic Spirit
TMO Focuses on ‘People Power’, Houston Chronicle
Faith Groups Joining in Larger Networks Celebrate 40 Years of Reducing Poverty in Texas, National Catholic Reporter
Grassroots Grows Up by the Texas Observer, Quorum Report