In an event convened by COPA, clergy and judicatories from Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran, and Jewish backgrounds called on the business community to join them in a collective effort to identify solutions to the lack of immigration reform. Immigrants shared stories about the impact of legalization in the 1980s and the challenges of providing for family without authorization to work.
In turn, agricultural industry leader Wesley Van Camp of agribusiness Tanimura & Antle reaffirmed her commitment to fight for immigration reforms and pointedly noted the absence of industry leaders in construction and hospitality in advocacy efforts. "I take that on as a bit of a challenge," said Don Chapin of Chapin Construction " I couldn't agree more."
This gathering is part of a larger COPA immigration strategy in Central California.
Area Faith, Business Leaders Gather to Discuss Immigration Reform, The Californian
Business and Religious Leaders Meet in Salinas to Talk About Immigration Reform, Monterey County Weekly
Meeting in Salinas Puts Immigration Reform at Forefront, KION