COPS / Metro Campaign to Raise County Wages Takes Off

COPS / Metro Alliance leaders flanked Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff as he announced his instruction to the County Manager to research and craft a plan to raise the County minimum wage from $11.47 per hour to $13 per hour next year, and to $15 per hour within three years.

Two days prior, 325 COPS / Metro Alliance leaders gathered at Sacred Heart Catholic Church to announce their campaign to boost the wage floor for city and county employees from $11.47 per hour to almost $15 / hour. Elvira Adame shared how it angers her to see her daughter earning only $8.50 per hour at a public community college, leaving her "stressed and tired all the time from working so hard." Adame's daughter works full-time without benefits, sick leave or vacation time; to pick up the slack she picked up a second job, but even then is barely getting by.

In response to the plan, Bexar County Commissioner Tommy Adkisson asserted, "I will support anything we can to lift up wages." Bexar County Commissioner Paul Elizondo also expressed support stating, "I will work for it."

Mayoral candidate Mike Villarreal and state Senator Leticia Van de Putte similarly expressed support for the initiative.

Community Groups Push for County Wage Increase, San Antonio Current

Higher Minimum Wage for Low-Paid County Workers, San Antonio Express-news

Bexar County to Consider Raising Minimum Wage, Fox SA News

The Source: Efforts to Raise the Minimum Wage in San Antonio, Texas Public Radio

Groups Push County to Increase Pay Wage, News 4 San Antonio

San Antonio Citizens Gather to Raise Living Wages in Alamo City, San Antonio Express News

COPS / Metro Alliance Launch Living Wage Campaign, San Antonio Business Journal

Judge Nelson Supports COPS/Metro Strategy to Raise Wages in Bexar County, COPS / Metro Alliance