Months after 750 COPS / Metro leaders challenged candidates for San Antonio City Council and the Bexar County Commissioners' Court to support their living wage agenda in a nonpartisan accountability assembly -- and then delivered 8,555 voters to the polls in support of their agenda -- both Bexar County and the City of San Antonio increased entry wages to $14.25 per hour.
This is one of several steps leaders have initiated to raise public sector wages to $15 / hour by 2019.
Long-term workforce development program Project QUEST went on to secure $2.5 million in funding, an increase of $300 thousand compared to last year. COPS / Metro additionally secured $9 million in owner-occupied rehabilitation and $150 thousand invested in legal defense for immigrants.
Bexar County Boosts Spending, San Antonio Express-News
Activists Press Council Ahead of Budget Vote, KTSA
Council Members Open to Minimum Wage Increase for City Workers, Rivard Report
Group Seeks More Money for Jobs Program , Raise in Minimum Wage, San Antonio Express-News
Housing Renovation Projects Get More Money, San Antonio Express-News
As Nation's Poverty Rate Declines, San Antonio's Increases, Rivard Report