Texas IAF Organizations Take Wage Fight Local

Texas IAF organizations in San Antonio, Austin, and El Paso are at the forefront of potential living wage victories for county and city employees. Due to the work of COPS / Metro Alliance and Austin Interfaith, the cities of San Antonio and Austin are on the verge of passing proposed budgets which would increase wages from more than $11 per hour to $13 per hour. Bexar County and El Paso County also have upcoming votes to raise the wages of county workers from $9.45 to $10 in El Paso and from $11.66 to $13 in Bexar. Graphic to the right shows the relative impact of this wage work .

Meanwhile, thanks to the intervention of Border Interfaith and EPISO, the City of El Paso just passed a wage raise for its lowest paid municipal workers in its budget -- from $9.86 to $10.35.

These are all essential first steps in a larger, methodical campaign to raise the wages of Texas workers to much higher.

Luckless at Capitol, Minimum Wage Advocates Go Local, Texas Tribune