On this International Worker's Day, Coloradans for the Common Good (CCG) leaders, led by members of Centro de los Trabajadores, and labor allies celebrated a major step forward in the protection of immigrant workers.
At the urging of CCG and labor allies, Denver City Council unanimously passed an ordinance to extend subpoena power to the Denver Auditor in matters of wage investigations. Companies accused of wage theft may no longer simply pay a small fine and move on when accused. This power means stronger enforcement of Denver's wage protections and more money for the workers who earned it.
This victory was built on hundreds of conversations with immigrant workers who shared painful stories of wage theft and disrespect in the workplace.
In response, CCG met with the City Auditor to learn what tools were needed to better enforce wage protections, and then organized multiple large actions to gain broad support from elected officials. In coordination with labor allies, CCG worked with council members to draft the ordinance and then secure its passage.
CCG leader Rabbi Katie Mizrahi of B'nai Havurah Denver Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation had this to say:
"Hiring a worker and refusing to pay is stealing, plain and simple. And it’s not only illegal - it is immoral! Today, we strengthen the 2024 local version of an ancient, sacred law: thou shall not steal!"
Said CCG leader Monica Rafael with the Centro de los Trabajadores Colorado:
“It’s going to really impact a lot of workers who are experiencing wage theft... That’s going to be really important… to get money into their pockets.”
Denver Will Have Another Tool to Go After Wage Theft, Denverite [pdf]